The Cheapest "Hidden Lift" A Woman Can BUY!

       With every season change, comes new trends and must haves in a woman's closet including the shoes she chooses to put on her feet, and one trend I find myself giggling at is the term the "hidden lift" or "Hidden Wedge" tennis shoe..... but I have to say they are TOTALLY AWESOME in every way! I mean especially if your short, who wouldn't want a hidden lift right? Honesty, the older I get the more areas I would like a "HIDDEN LIFT".....

What is really funny is when you walk around in the store we have truly ordered everyone out there... at every price point! SO I am sure you will find a pair!


AND if you don't need a lift that is hidden they have "flats" in the form of a tennis shoe and they past the "BENDIE TEST".  If you don't know what the "BENDIE TEST" is....... well for the Sole Sisters if you can squish/bend the shoe it will move with the "FOOT". My personal favorite is one created by Yellowbox! Just look at it!


This one does not have a hidden lift, but it feels so good and comfortable!! THE COLOR IS AMAZING, the pewter matches so much we wear! The shoe has a functional zipper on the side, but I just slide mine on!! No matter what is your style of tennis shoe, this style will be a great addition to add to your fall wardrobe....hidden lift or not ;)